El Servidor, which means ‘The Server’ in Spanish, is a relatively small Minecraft server based on a custom installation of Fabric 1.21, hosted on the badly-named IP play.simpfun.cn:31145. This page, written by the server’s terrible operator CanonNi, documents behind-the-scenes information about the server, most of which is irrelevant to daily gameplay.

Other El Sevidorian pages

Logo of El Servidor

The yellow light


To enhance gameplay, and to make the server less boring, several mods and plugins have been installed. Most of them are even more boring than vanilla gameplay and simply fix latency issues or support other mods and are therefore not listed here. Some of the mods, however, are notable for making the game more interesting, and, as such, are listed below.

There are two types of mods: client-side and server-side, with the main difference between the two being that the former requires local installation and the latter does not.

